Spring Book Fair

The spring Book Fair is just around the corner!  We need a whole team of parent volunteers to make this happen!  It’s a really fun way to help out the school, and the kids LOVE the book fair.  Please try to donate a couple hours of your time during the week of April 15-19 to help out!  Here’s the link to the sign up.  Thank you!

Easy Volunteer Jobs Available!

The PTO is looking for some volunteers to send out Sponsorship Letter Requests for next year’s 2019 Fall Festival! We have the letter updated and ready to go so all you need to do is identify some businesses you think would be perfect to sponsor our event, email or snail mail the letter, and then follow up to get a commitment from them. You can do this from the comfort of your own couch, dressed in pjs, while eating an ice cream sundae, and watching TV! Easy peasy. Email us at agnorhurtpto@gmail.comto volunteer or ask questions.

The PTO Needs Your Input!

Our AHES PTO needs YOU and your brilliant ideas!  We are ready to kick off the 2nd half of our 2018-19 school year and it’s time for a PTO Reboot.  In a school as large as AHES, it is vital for both parents and teachers to be active participants in our PTO in order to reach our mission and purpose and to maintain a sustainable organization that continues to reach new goals for our community.  Over the past couple of years, we’ve worked to make changes in our meeting schedule, communication modalities, volunteer opportunities, and fundraising efforts in order to meet the various needs of our community.  Now it’s time for us to begin to think toward the future of the PTO and you’re invited to help us out.

We have a number of PTO Board members and committed PTO volunteers who will be stepping out of their roles next year as their children move on to middle school and others who are ready to step back a bit and make room for new, fresh ideas for the PTO.  Our existing Board is looking for ways to engage our community more in the happenings at AHES and in the Albemarle County Public Schools, encourage more volunteer involvement in our events and fundraising, and figure out which activities we should continue with and where we might want to make changes or shifts.  Our next PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 29 at 7pm in the AHES library.  Please mark your calendar now and plan on attending and participating in this very important meeting that will help lead the way into the end of this school year and beyond.  Give us an hour of your time and connect with our amazing community!


Direct Donation Drive

Direct Donation REBOOT! We are still looking for donations to meet our Direct Donation goal of $5000 for the year and now is a great time for you to contribute.

1. If we reach $3500 before our Winter Break, all AHES students will be given the chance to enter a raffle where the winner gets to be TJ’s Trusty Assistant for the Day! TJ is our fantastic, fabulous, fun Custodial Lead and an awesome role model to our students. We ADORE him. We are approximately $1000 away from this goal and it would be so much fun to see TJ and his Assistant for the Day enjoying time together as they keep our school safe and sound for everyone.

2. If we reach $4000 before January 25, our super cool PE Teacher, Mr. Rivard, will perform on stage at the Talent Show! Yep, he’ll strum that guitar and sing for us and that is definitely going to be a performance we all want to see.

So why are we asking for the remainder of our Direct Donations now?
1. We use the money we receive through this fundraising effort to support our staff throughout the school year. Knowing we’ve hit our goal helps us to say “yes” to all of their requests for 2018-19.
2. The PTO is a non-profit organization so your donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law for your 2018 tax submissions.
3. A donation to a non-profit makes a great gift! At your request, we will happily create a festive letter for you to insert in a card or package to share that you made a donation to our PTO on behalf of your recipient (perhaps a retired teacher, an AHES alum, or a current teacher who you want to show your appreciation for).

Send in cash or a check made out to AHES PTO in an envelope marked PTO Direct Donation in your child’s red folder. You can donate from our website or our FB page (just hit the “Donate” button).  If you prefer, swing by the office to leave cash or a check and the wonderful front office staff will get it to us.

Thanks for all your support!

Books & Burritos 2018

With the holidays right around the corner, we want you to remember that AHES PTO will host a Books & Burritos event on Sunday, December 2.

Purchase your holiday books and gifts from Barnes & Noble on December 2nd and the PTO will receive a portion of the sales to go directly to our special classes (Art, Music, Library).  We will have special readers, a cupcake decorating station, and an art/craft activity at this event.  All in-store sales on gifts and books, along with cafe sales (including Cheesecake Factory cakes), will benefit our PTO.

Please note that you can shop all day, anytime, at Barnes & Noble, and just mention to the cashier when you check out that you would like your purchase to benefit Agnor-Hurt.  Barnes & Noble will run the book fair through the end of the week, so if you can’t make it on Sunday, come later in the week.  However, on Sunday between the hours of 3-5pm, we will be hosting the special events listed above in the store.

If you can volunteer to help out any time on Sunday, please sign up here.  If you have questions, please e-mail agnorhurtpto@gmail.com

Once you are done with your bookstore shopping, you can hop over to Chipotle for dinner where 33% of the proceeds will go back to our PTO!  Chipotle will donate between the hours of 4-8pm, and only if you mention it to the cashier when you purchase your dinner.

Barnes & Noble will also offer our Book Fair online.  Online shoppers can use the Book Fair code 12444204 beginning on Sunday, December 2 and through the rest of the week, and a portion of the sales will benefit Agnor-Hurt.  Feel free to share the code with your out of town family and friends!

Books and Burritos

Save the date…  Sunday, December 3.

Do some holiday shopping, treat your family to a Chipotle dinner, and help the school all in one shebang!  Please join us on Sunday, December 3 for Books and Burritos…  All day, you can shop at Barnes & Noble (at Barracks’ Road) and they will donate a percentage of your sale to the school.  (You must mention this to the cashier when you pay.)

Then, between 5 and 9pm, if you purchase food from Chipotle, they will donate a percentage of that sale to the school!  (Again, mention it to the cashier.)

You can shop the Barnes & Noble book fair online AND in-store for an additional 5 days!  Between December 4-8, if you shop online, use the Bookfair ID 12150025.  In store, just let the cashier know that you want your purchases to count toward Agnor-Hurt’s book fair.

We are looking for volunteers to help wrap gifts, share information at our wish list table, and support children at the art and craft table at our Barnes & Noble Book Fair from 2-6 p.m.  To volunteer, please sign up here.  If you have questions, you can contact the PTO at agnorhurtpto@gmail.com

Midsummer PTO Update

Happy Mid-Summer Greetings Agnor Hurt Families!
We hope that you are enjoying an amazing fun filled summer and finding a bit of time for some rest and relaxation as well.  Our PTO Board has begun its work to ensure that we have a wonderful year ahead of us filled with events designed around our mission: To promote an active and open partnership within the Agnor-Hurt Elementary School community in order to inspire students to fully realize their academic, social and emotional potential while nurturing their cultural and community awareness.
Meet the 2017-18 Board Members:
President- Sheila Chrobak
Vice President- Susan Scott
Treasurer- Meredith Curs
Secretary- Dana Washington
Communications Chair- Safia Wentling
Parent Council Representative- Sharon Fix
But our PTO Board isn’t complete!  We are looking to expand our board in order to have a greater reach across our entire Agnor Hurt community.  Would you consider participating as a Grade Level Representative (ensuring that teachers and families in your “wing” of the school are able to actively engage in the PTO)?  Or how about as Fundraising Coordinator (coordinating all of our traditional and new fundraisers)? What about Volunteer Coordinator (making sure that parents have a way to share their special interests and skills within all our volunteer opportunities)?  Want to find out more about how you can participate?  Email Sheila Chrobak at agnorhurtpto@gmail.com
We have a such a wonderfully diverse community with so many varied skill sets and talents and there is truly something for everyone when it comes to PTO participation.  Fill our our General Volunteer Form and we will look forward to connecting with you.  Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities throughout the year and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to share how you would like to contribute.  Many hands make for lighter work and a truly active and engaged community!

Fall Festival 2017

Fall Festival is our largest Fundraiser of the school year and we are excited to continue this tradition while also bringing some new elements to the festival this year!  Did you know that some of our Fall Festival preparations are already underway?!  Yes, it’s true.  How can I help, you ask?  We are looking for individuals to coordinate Food, Silent Auction, and Children’s Auction events.  Have ideas for other ways to support us?  We are all ears and want to know how you’d like to jump in on Fall Festival planning and preparation.  Email us as agnorhurtpto@gmail.com and let’s start chatting!

PTO Planning Update

The first meeting of the 2017-18 PTO Board was held on Monday evening. While enjoying some delicious food, including vegetables harvested from the AHES gardens, we bounced around a lot of ideas for next school year!

We are excited to expand the Board in 2017-18 and invite you to consider taking on a role such as grade level representative, volunteer liaison, and/or representative from our ESOL community. We are also looking for parents who can support the roles of Fall Festival Silent Auction Coordinator & Fall Festival Foodie! Have ideas for making our school even more beautiful, join our Beautification Committee. We have a great line up of events and activities to support our students and staff at AHES…opportunities to volunteer abound!

Many hands make light work and we are excited to engage everyone in our PTO community. There is a role for everyone regardless of your time availability and being a part of this amazing community is truly inspiring!

Have questions? Want to find out how you can help out? Have ideas to share? Email us at agnorhurtpto@gmail.com

Volunteers & Donations Needed

April is a busy month!  We have several events coming up that require some parent volunteers and/or contributions.  Here’s a quick list:

Book Fair:  The week of April 17-20.  We need a bunch of parent volunteers to help students choose and buy books.  Please sign up if you can come in for an hour or two (ore more!).

Teacher Appreciation Week:  We are providing lunch for the teachers and staff on Wednesday, April 26.  Please sign up if you can bring something for the lunch, and/or help for an hour or so with set up and clean up.

Talent Show, April 28, 6:30pm:  We need some parent volunteers before and after the event for set-up and clean-up.  We could also use some volunteers to help rehearsals run smoothly.  Please contact the PTO at agnorhurtpto@gmail.com for details.

The PTO is entirely volunteer-run and depends on our Agnor-Hurt families for support.  Thank you!!

Spring Book Fair

It’s almost Book Fair time again!  Planning has begun, and we need YOUR help!  Parent (or grandparent) volunteers are needed to help the Book Fair run smoothly.  Please sign up for a shift (or two, or three) on our Sign Up Genius.

The Book Fair runs April 17-21, with Monday and Tuesday being preview days (the kids come to look, but no sales).  Wednesday through Friday we will be open for sales.  Note: The Book Fair will close at 11am on Friday.

Spring Box Tops Contest

Between now and April 14, we will be holding the spring Box Tops contest.  The class that collects the most Box Tops will win a popsicle party!  During this time, if you wish to receive credit for Box Tops through the Bonus App or eBox Tops, please e-mail Jen with the amount and teacher’s name.

Note:  We collect Box Tops all year long, even through the summer!  But to count for the contest, they must be turned in to your child’s teacher by April 14.  Thanks!

Skate Night – Feb 17

This year’s Winter Skate Night will take place on Friday, February 17th from 6:30-8:00.  Come lace up your roller-blades and join us again for a night of good old fashioned fun.  We have all the equipment you will need, but feel free to bring your own equipment, especially your helmet!!!  As always there will be raffle prizes, great music, popcorn, and fun!  We hope you can join us for this wonderful community event!

Kroger Donation – Thank You!

Wooohooooo! We received this notice from Kroger today: “Your supporters (105 households) who shopped at Kroger between 9-1-2016 and 11-30-2016 have contributed to your $1836.63 total donation.”

If your family is one of those 105, THANK YOU!! If your family is not among those, it is not too late. Link your Kroger card to Agnor-Hurt Elementary, and every time you shop, they will donate. https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow

Thank you! and Happy New Year!

Important Book Fair Information

Our Barnes & Noble Book Fair will be held this Saturday, November 12.  All book store and cafe purchases, including cheesecake orders, count toward our fundraising efforts.  In addition to shopping in the store this Saturday, everyone can contribute to our fundraiser knowing the following:
1.  You can shop in the Barracks Road Store between 11/12-11/17 and indicate that you want purchases to go toward Agnor Hurt Elementary or use voucher code 11906096.
2.  You can shop at any Barnes & Noble Store throughout the country on Saturday, November 12 and indicate you want purchases to go toward Agnor Hurt Elementary and use voucher code 11906096.
3.  You can shop online at http://www.barnesandnoble. com/ anytime between 11/12-11/17 and enter voucher code 11906096 at checkout.
Thank you for supporting your school!